Please use the form below to submit a school or institutional order through Paulina Springs Books.

Some things to note:
*You can view our discount schedule here.
*We will provide you with a quote via email within two business days and submit the order as soon as we receive approval from you.
*We are able to have most titles arrive in the store within 1-2 weeks, but please note that availability, backorders, and transit times are out of our control. Some titles may take a little while longer! There is a rush shipment option, details of which you can view below.
*If books arrive in batches, you have the option to pick up what is available. We will provide packing lists for each batch. An invoice for the full order will be provided once all books are delivered.
*Orders can be paid via check or ACH within 30 days of receiving final invoice. If you cannot pay via check or ACH, please note that in the comments section in the order form and we can provide alternate methods of payment.
*Please send all questions/inquiries/correspondence about your order to

Address for payment:
Paulina Springs Books
PO Box 3500-407
Sisters, OR 97759